MOVIE PLAYBACK SPEED: The movie playback speed depends on the number of colors and the driver selected. If the movies are not playing smoothly: set your video card to 256 colors or change the driver on the Hot Skins" configure screen. To change the driver go to the Hot Skins' configure screen and click on "MCI Drivers". A dialog box will appear with a list of all drivers installed on this computer. Move the slider, if necessary, until "MPEG Decompressor for Microsoft AVI" appears. Click on "MPEG Decompressor for Microsoft AVI" and another dialog box will appear. Move the slider to see if your video card chip set is listed. To install the specific MPEG driver for your video card: (1) Click on the appropriate chipset driver, (2) click OFF the "Windows DIB box" and (3) click on "select" to set the new driver. If the results are worse than before, return to the default setting. If your video card chipset is not listed, click on the "Window DIB box" to set the Windows DIB driver (this is the default setting). The photos are in 256 colors, therefore, displayable on most video monitors. The movies are in 24-bit full color and will automatically reduce in pixel depth to match your video monitor. We've found that the movies play faster if the video monitor is set to 256 colors vs. hi-color or full-color. MPEG Information: MPEG format records the changes between the frames. If you see video "tear" as the movie is playing then the display card that is in the computer may not be fast enough to display the changes before receiving data for the next frame. To overcome slow video, many video card manafacturers are making Windows accelerator cards. Some are producing DVI cards (Direct Video) where your video card displays directly to the video monitor without going through additional Windows software. In fact, if you have a very fast video system, you could even display the movies in full screen. (This is done by going to the Configuration screen and setting the video defaults to full screen). Reset the defaults to the existing setup if the slower frame rate is not to your liking. Please note that the Movies may play faster if your video card is set to display 256 colors vs. 64,000 colors or 16.7 million colors. SOUND SKIPPING: If the video playback options window is set to skip frames if behind the sound that is clipped to the skipped frames will also be skipped. To remedy this, go to the configure screen and click on the 'Movie Configure_Test' button. This will bring up the 'Video Playback Options' window. In this window uncheck 'Skip Frames if Behind' then click 'OK" to close the window.